Thursday, October 23, 2008
FBI on my block
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Vegan MoFo

It is here, and I was too lazy and distracted to post yesterday, which means I might have to post twice in a day, or continue to be lazy and only post every so often. I am hoping that in posting, I will get back to it and start a regular posting schedule again.
I decided for my first post I was going to talk about why I am vegan, what lead me here, and why it is right for me.
When I was 18 I was friends with a girl named Amy, she was vegetarian. I decided to give it a whirl. I already didn't eat that much meat and it was a lifestyle that I completely agreed with. It stuck. Then I started college and a couple years in I had this great professor, John Simecek. He was vegan and he used his classroom to introduce people to veganism. He and I became good friends and I decided I wanted to be vegan. It was definitely hard at first. Grocery shopping took twice as long, since I had to read every label. I was so incredibly passionate and every conversation turned into something about veganism. I am surprised I maintained a single friend during this time. I was die-hard and if you weren't willing to at least try and change, I probably wasn't going to talk to you much. I was vegan for about two years, then I moved back near Flint. I didn't know any other vegans there and for some reason I decided that I wanted to start eating dairy again, so, I did.
When I went back to school for my second degree, I played around with veganism several times. I would decide to start my path towards veganism again, and then there would be tests or projects or extra shifts at work and I would need to eat something, and I would eat something that wasn't vegan. I would get frustrated with myself, but I also realized that maybe it wasn't the right time because I was clearly not dedicated enough.
Last May I moved to DC. I met Carolyn, who is vegan and we became really good friends. She told me about this wonderful messageboard called The Post Punk Kitchen. I would look at recipes every once in awhile, but I still didn't know about being vegan. Then, one day, it clicked. At the beginning of April I decided that it was time. I was ready, I was at a good place in my life and I didn't have a lot of distractions. More than anything it is the diet and lifestyle that works best for me. I feel the best when I am vegan, I sleep better, I feel good about the choices I am making. I also have started to think more about where my food comes from, how it was grown, who is affected by my choices. After making the switch, my decision was cemented further when I realized how easy it was! I had this great forum where I could talk to like-minded people, I made a lot of friends in DC that are also vegan and it has helped me feel better about my yoga practice. I think that being vegan in this city is a piece of cake. There are so many options when you go out to eat or grocery shop and people here actually know what a vegan is! It is also great to have friends and family that support me and love it when I make them yummy baked goods!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Vegan MoFo
Speaking of which, I went to Brooklyn last weekend and hung out with some amazing people, I will post photos when I am not so tired.
I start yoga teacher training tomorrow, I also intend to post on this quite a bit!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Cupcakes and Cake!
And the Winner is....
My friend Dave, two tofu pups at a time!
Joshua and Karla, neither made it to the final round, but they did a damn good job!
I don't know this guy, but he was shoving the dogs down his throat, whole..ewww
Friday, July 25, 2008
Eat Local
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Who Likes Veggie Dogs???
Do you love to eat? Do you love free vegetarian food?
If you answered yes to either of these questions, then you just might be the perfect contestant for Washington, D.C.'s first ever Veggie Hot Dog Eating Contest, to be held on Saturday, July 26, 2008 at 6:00 p.m.!
Compassion Over Killing is teaming up with Sticky Fingers Bakery and Tofurky to host this event in honor of National Veggie Hot Dog Month, which also happens to coincide with the industry-declared National Hot Dog Month.
During July, while our nation celebrates its independence, we're also making it a celebration about kindness and compassion for animals. Join us at this event—either by feasting on dozens (well, maybe not dozens) of Tofurky Franks or watching others stuff their faces—and help us show how easy, delicious, and fun it is to choose vegetarian foods!
Need more incentive to come? Fabulous prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers as well as special gifts for each participant!
Plus, a percentage of all sales from Sticky Fingers Bakery throughout the entire day will be automatically donated to COK!
Don't delay—contestant registration closes Thursday, July 24!
Papa Johns
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Catching Up
I didn't bake at all last weekend because it was far too hot to turn on the oven. But, I now see that I should have. Last night one of the yogis at Shakti asked me where the cupcakes were, as he thought Tuesday was cupcake day. Apparently I now am in charge of yoga cupcakes.
It is cooling down for a few days at least, and for those of you who don't live here, it is still hotter than where you are, but I am glad it is going to be rainy today and I look forward to having 90 degree days instead of pushing 100.
The other day I went to WagTime. I started going here a month or two ago because I found out they sell the organic cat food that I feed my kitties and wanted to support my neighborhood. Well, the owner was so nice, she gave me about 20 bags of sample food to give my kitties and my cat colony!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Fire on P St
Does anyone know what happened? I have been looking on the Post all morning and haven't seen any reference to it.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Back in the District
We had a great time in San Francisco. We would love to move there, so stay posted for updates...
These are our gracious hosts, John and Herb
Here is the token shot of the Golden Gate Bridge with Nate and I in front.
We went to Millenium, vegan mousse! I was VERY pleased with this meal
Not a very good shot, but we went to the Muir Woods and this little buddy was about 2 feet from us!
There was a wall in the Mission District covered in these signs, it was pretty genius.
It has been a rough week getting back into the swing of things, going back to work, cleaning my house (this has yet to happen), sleeping through the night, going to yoga. I finally went to yoga yesterday and slept through the night (coincidence, I think not).
I also decided for some hairbrained reason that I am going to try and go to yoga 30 times in 30 days. It will be interesting, but I think fun.
I found a recipe online for vegan white chocolate, if I can get all the ingredients at Whole Foods, then we know what I will be spending my Friday night doing! I also plan to make a strawberry vanilla cake on Sunday after I hit up the Bloomingdale Farmers' Market.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
If you are going to San Francisco...
Process for moving to San Francisco
- visit
- like the weather
- make friends
- find job
So, June...
Let's see, I had visitors from Michigan, we had a cookout (impromptu), rode the tandem, went to the beach (as evidenced by photos below), had Asylum brunch for the first time, ate vegan cheesecake at Bus Boys and Poets (why does my whole life revolve around food???). Well, I guess that is about it.
These parrots are lots of fun, and you get to keep the cup!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Sticky Rice
Okay, the food:
I ordered the vegetable tempura as an appetizer, the Tofu Max, the South Roll, and then Spicy Avocado Roll. All were delicious. Now, the tempura should come with a warning, "Do not order unless you have at least four other tempura lovers at your table". What I am trying to say it, there was a whole lot of tempura! I felt really bad because I cannot eat that much fried food and it doesn't keep well, so a lot went to waste. It was very good though. The Tofu Max is a roll with tofu, jalapeno, cilantro, and cucumber. I love all those things, so I knew it would be fantastic. The South Roll was also wonderful, tempura sweet potato with honey. The honey really brought out the flavor. The spicy avocado was of course amazing since it had avocado and anything with avocado is amazing (sorry Diana). I really want to try the garden balls, but they were out.
It only opened a week ago and they are still trying to get completely organized, but, overall it was a great experience and I will be going back.
If you go, ask for Emily or Rob. Not only are they cute, they are also my friends!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Jazz Garden
I think Nathan gave me his sinus infection, and yes, I am aware that they are not contagious, but I will blame him anyway.
I had great time in Michigan last weekend, it was very nice to see my family and friends. Being there made me really miss it, but I don't think I would trade my life in DC to go back. I did get to do things I normally cannot do here: drive my brother Hummer, walk around in my parents backyard (!!!), play with my kitties and puppies that live in Michigan, go to the best farmers' market that I know, and eat a sandwich from Jimmy Johns! I was able to see a few friends, and the weekend was an easy pace, so I actually was able to sleep on this trip!
Too bad about the humidity and Carolyn's broken body, there was going to be a bike trip tomorrow that looks less and less attainable all the time.
O Street Market
Friday, May 16, 2008
DC Bike to Work!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Good News
It finally happened! I hope that more states adopt this policy
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Tourist Season
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Taking Care of the Caregiver
In other news, my pasta maker has arrived! I am very excited for all the possibilities. I also ordered a citrus juicer, I can't wait to make Nate fresh squeezed orange juice!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
They stole some D's off that bitch
I just found my 5th stolen car in 18 months. I have an eye for such things it would seem. The most recent round started as Meghan and I walked our out-of-town guest to the metro so she could catch her flight back home. I noticed a Cadillac CTS sitting on cinderblocks without wheels on 5th. On our way back to the house I decided to walk by to get a better look and noticed the telltale signs of a stolen car:
Physical damage to door lock
Door left unlocked
Trashed interior
and the #1 sign
The car also had 30 day Virginia plates which are set to expire on Monday but temporary plates have only shown up in 2 out of the 5 cars I have spotted.
I would have left the car there and come back to take pictures as time went on of it being stripped further but a police happened to be driving by as we walked away. I waived the officers down, two females to my surprise, and pointed them to the car. I told them the might want to run the VIN given the situation and the officers eyes glazed over at the thought of ensuing paperwork.
So, that is the tale of car #5
Car #4 was a VW that sat on Marion Street for 2 months last summer and amassed many tickets while the VIN plate had been scratched out
Car #3 was a Dodge pickup that sat on our street for at least 4 months. It had no plates, the VIN was popped and it continued to get many tickets. Eventually it was broken into by having a window smashed. I called non-emergency police 4 times about the truck as it took up prime parking real estate but it was never towed until several of my neighbors called in the same day.
Car #2 was a similar situation to the Dodge, but it was an Isuzu Rodeo that had been in a wreck and dumped by Yums on 14th (the good Yums, with mumbo sauce), it too had a stock pile of tickets
Car #1 was a Honda Accord that was abandoned, while running, in the street. There was still a screw driver on the passenger seat while the DC parking maid wrote out the ticket. I also told them they might want to look a little bit deeper than the surface.
So, that is the tale of stolen cars. I think I might start taking pictures before suggesting the police do their jobs. I wonder if I look if I can find a car a month...
Friday, April 25, 2008
Diana! and other fun things this weekend
I am hoping that tonight we will cook more and hang out on the porch and go for a walk around Shaw, maybe up to U Street.
Here is where things get exciting...
Tomorrow we are going to the Arboretum! They are having a sale on plants and seeds and whatnot, I think it will be fun to look around and see what they have to offer. MAYBE this will be the final motivation to push me into planting some things. Then off to Java Green for lunch with other DC area vegans, possibly Sitcky Fingers and then yoga!
Bliss is tomorrow night at Black Cat, I haven't been going out all that much lately, but I will take my camera and perhaps we will have some new photos up.
Sunday we are planning to go on one of the walking tours in Shaw. I love this neighborhood and I would love to learn more about it.
Diana mentioned an yoga studio she went to today and said it was very close to my house. I don't know where it is, but I will be sure to report back!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Don't Call 911, Call God
Yesterday I forgot my wallet, it made me realize that with enough planning I don't need to spend money everyday on food at work. I know that is common sense, but luckily I had brought leftovers and didn't have to starve. So, I brought food again today for lunch.
I have at least three cats in my kitty colony that I am feeding everyday. What really worries me is, what happens when I move? Who will take care of them?
I am very happy it is Earth Day/week. There are a lot of blogs that have been worth looking at, when it is not so close to my bedtime, I will make links.
Nathan is at the Caps game. I barely know what this is.
I need to see if Law and Order is on, so good night!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Tandem Bike
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Thai Xing
Especially when:
- Eaten on the porch
- In 70 degree weather
- With wine
- and boyfriend
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The Positive Spread of Cupcakes
Anyway, this week started work yoga! It was great, I like yoga at work.
This weather! It is wonderful. Dania is coming to visit and I cannot wait to sit outside with her and Carolyn and sip on margaritas.
No more weeds! I cleared the front yard on Sunday and Nate laid down mulch. Now our yard is not an embarrassment to our neighbors. I did spread the cupcake love to them!
If you are ever interested in baked goods, stop by on Sundays...
Oh, and the pope. He is around town today. He made it difficult to park my bike this morning. It is nice to see the city so alive, it makes it feel more like summer somehow.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
George, Washington

I also wondered if we lived there if we could play Twin Peaks. He would come down to the beach front and I would be wrapped in plastic. Mostly, I think this would be a nice place to have pie shop. Just think, Dale Cooper might stop by!
Monday, April 7, 2008
I am turning into my boyfriend
I made three pies yesterday, lemon meringue, blueberry, and key lime. I also made guacamole, chocolate chip waffles and the most amazing home fries I have ever had. I always forget to take pictures because food is more exciting in my tummy than in a picture. I will work on this, promise.
Sputnik had surgery last week. She was soooo snuggly all weekend. I just had to separate her and Warner because she is back to her old self, i.e. romping.
I want to take cake decorating classes, the only place I can find them is Cake Love, which is amazing, but I would have to go to Silver Spring and they are expensive, ~$60 for one class!
Whoa, look at the time! I need to be asleep in t-minus four minutes!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
It's 4 A.M., Where's your kitty?
Thursday, March 27, 2008
My Two Cents on Pollution and Hybrid Vehicles
First, these cars are really not better for the environment. Okay, to drive them, yes, but to build them, no. In fact, from everything I have read, the mining of nickel (which is what is used to build the batteries in these cars) destroys land and makes it basically, completely useless. It becomes a wasteland. It is more harmful than driving a Hummer for the duration of its life.
Second, people are getting rid of perfectly good, running cars to buy these, what do you think happens to old cars? They are put into dumps, causing, guess what??? MORE POLLUTION!
Third, and one of the most despicable things I have heard, there was a guy last year that purchased a USED Hummer. His neighbors were offended by his choice and looted his car. They scratched it, popped the tires, broke windows, etc. He then had to get all this fixed. Do these people realize that tires cause pollution? Do they also realize that he now had to get it all fixed and therefore all the things that had to be thrown away would further pollute the earth.
So, here is my point: for those people that do not want to pollute, don't. It is simple. I decided a while ago that I wanted to lessen my carbon footprint, I got rid of my car and purchased a used bicycle. I know that this is not a possibility for everyone, however, I will not judge people's choice to own whatever car they please. If you want to get a hybrid, at least wait until they make stable lithium ion batteries, these are far less devastating on the environment.
Okay, done preaching.
Back By Popular Demand!
My parents are coming to visit this weekend, as well as my aunt, uncle and two cousins! I am very excited to see everyone. My Mom has offered to bring me items from Meijer. I am very pleased about this! She is bringing 11 avocados, in total it cost her $10! I have a strange love for avocados that many do not share. The first time I went grocery shopping in DC, I nearly cried, right there at Whole Foods. One avocado was $2.99! I know I complain about how expensive food is here, but that was insane, I had never (until that point) paid more than $1.50 for an avocado. Anyway, I am about to get my fix!
We are going to see the kites this weekend, I think it will be fun. My Dad is bringing a kite for Nate to fly. He is also bringing a violin and some inventions that we have been collaborating on. Once these inventions take off I will be a millionaire and therefore able to quit working and open pie shop. It will be fantastic!
I have been practicing riding up hills, I am getting there. I know that I have to get strong and make my way up hills. It is just a matter of time. I have been riding around LeDroit Park more, this really makes me want to live there. If I decide to stay in DC, I would like to move there.
I realized the other day that I cannot remember the last time I drove a car, it is a strange feeling.
Tonight is happy hour with Nate's coworkers. I really like them, probably more than he does. I plan to have a few drinks then go home and try and give Sputnik a bath. She gets a bit smelly and she has to meet her grandparents tomorrow! So, if I have unexpected scratches tomorrow you will know that I gave Sputnik her bath whilst drunk.
Last Friday I ate so much at Almaz that I literally made myself sick. I still think I could eat Ethiopian every single day though!
Monday, March 17, 2008
bang bang

This photo was in response to Lance sending me a picture of him drinking at 10 AM (St. Patrick's Day).
I also posted links on the left. You should read some of them, especially the one about stuff white people like, it is funny and sometimes accurate. I will post more links eventually. You know I have been lazy with the blog (among other things) lately.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Anyway, here are things that are very exciting.
I have bangs. (picture coming soon)
I tried two new yoga studios this week.
Monday - Maruka on 9th and N. Michele was the instructor, it was a Vinyasa class. I really loved the shop underneath the studio and the lady that owns it reminds me of Nate's Mom, almost too much! I loved the studio, very light and welcoming. Michele was a good instructor. Not great. There were only four of us in the class, so I was excited about getting adjustments and some personal time with her, it didn't happen. I did like the class and would definitely go again.
Tuesday - Georgetown yoga. GO! That is about all I have to say, it was a wonderful, wonderful class. I will be going a lot.
Other than that, not too much. I was supposed to go to Justice last night, sadly due to my sleep issues, I had to stay home. I was truly bummed out, but I did make some kitties and buddies happy because they received extra snuggles.
Tomorrow is Ethiopian with Carolyn. This is even more exciting than normal Ethiopian because it is their time of fasting which means they have to abstain from eating animal products for 40 days, meaning extra veggie items! (For you in Michigan, go to Blue Nile, I have heard good things). Later, after gorging ourselves, we will go to Wonderland!!! I have only been there once, but had a great time dancing on a couch because there was no other room to move around. I also seem to remember some kind of plastic toy gun that was held together with glow sticks.
I am also thinking that maybe, just maybe, if I stick with the yoga thing I may take the classes to become a teacher. It seems that there are a lot of yoga teachers in the area, and that is their only job, and they work 20 hours a week. So, either they make a lot of money not working a lot, or they are super granola and don't need a lot of money. Mostly, I think it could be a fun thing to do one night a week.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Indoor Activities for Rainy Days
I had a pretty laid back weekend as always, but this weekend, I visited the brand new Target in Columbia Heights. It is wonderful to have a Target so close by, it was also amazing to see that many people in Columbia Heights! I think that next weekend I would like to go up there and take some photos. One thing I noticed is that if you went less than a block off 14th Street, it still looks pretty beat down.
I have also been rewatching The Wire. Watching the last episode last week made me feel like I lost a friend. Really, it is/was the best show that has ever been on television, including Law and Order. The characters are so real, you begin to know them. I will probably talk more about this after the last episode airs tonight. I was lucky enough to have seen it earlier this week.
I should also find out this week what I should do about Riboflavin. Not the vitamin, but my stray kitty. I would like to take him in the get all the proper tests. Maybe I will have a third house cat (not to be confused with my house bear).
I also found a yoga studio that teaches beginner Ashtanga classes! Yes Diana, that means that I will be able to Ashtanga with you!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
A fun-loving, good-time gal from the Midwest
Any suggestions?
Monday, March 3, 2008
Sunday, March 2, 2008
What's in Your Soil?
So, as I was working in the yard, I had the front door open since it was sooooo nice out today. Little Sputnik was trying to break-out!
This is a picture of Nathan at the Jefferson Memorial from the bike ride last week. It was so nice, we were one of the few people there. It was beautiful.
Friday, February 29, 2008
First, I am going to make a container compost pile, from the blog I read, it seem to be easy peasy. I know that the compost will not really be used for quite some time, there is no time like the present to get started!
Second, I am going to get lawn bags to put all the leaves in that I do not use in the compost bin.
Third, I am going to figure out what things I should plant. I really want to do blueberries, it will make the pies A LOT cheaper, but from what I read, I need acidic soil. I guess I need to figure out 1. how to test soil, and 2. how to make the soil acidic. I would also like to grow other berries. I have been told that the soil in our neighborhood has lead in it, this leaves out any root vegetables. Anything grown above ground should be A-OK for eating.
I may get some flower seeds and throw them in the front yard. I would like to brick this area in the next couple months, but no reason it has to look barren until then.
If anyone has ideas about what I should grow, please, please let me know. I also don't know what grows well in DC (in a shady backyard). At this point, I am willing to try anything and everything. Let's see what happens!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I Need to go to a Meeting
I gave up candy yesterday, cold turkey. Well, okay, there was the piece that Byron gave me, but we already decided not to count that. I am still allowed desserts, but not candy. I had a double chocolate brownie guy last night and now I am eating chocolate mousse and strawberries. The chocolate mousse is made from candy, does that count?
I don't know if I can go the whole week. I feel like I can barely construct a sentence right now. I was craving it at 9 a.m. this morning, how bad is that!
Monday, February 25, 2008
It's a Hard-Knock Life, You Have Pinstripes on Your Suit
I am going to try and give up candy for the week. I almost made it all day, and then Byron offered me a piece, I had to be was small, so I am not counting it.
I went with Nathan and his coworkers to Cafe Saint Ex, I really enjoy hanging out with them, they are very fun. I really hope to hear what happens with Byron and his Thai-Mormon-Sixteen-year-old-girlfriend.
More reasons to hate Giant: I went yesterday against my better judgement. I was sore from the nine mile bike ride and didn't feel like going all the way to Whole Foods. So there I was, ready to check out. I thought something had happened to my vision, a line where I would be number two! I proudly walked over and got into line. There was a girl in front of me, it looked as though she was finishing her transaction, ahhh, the hope. No, she was actually buying several American Express giftcards, presumably with stolen credit cards. I say this because the cards kept declining and she would try another, and another. Finally after ten or fifteen minutes, I went to a different line.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Bicycle Enthusiast
Kittens can be very strange, they climb up the couch instead of just jumping on it.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Loose as a Goose, Quack, Quack, Quack
Last night I had dinner with the Nancy boys. Sensitive Nancy and Negative Nancy. They picked on me the entire time. I think it made them feel manly to pick on a woman. I am not completely sure as Nate was still wearing his shirt. He often takes off his shirt to do 'manly' things.
The headline is something one of Ben's coworkers said yesterday. I think it should be said more often.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Sun, then Rain, then Law and Order Marathon!!!
Wet Kittens, Dry Kittens, Snuggly Kittens!
Pictures! (finally)
(Next post will contain kittens)
Friday, February 15, 2008
First Day
Now only is the place beautiful, but everything in the bathroom is automatic, flushing toilets, soap dispension, and water. The paper products are very soft. Also, the soap did not dry out my skin (a miracle). We also have this coffee/tea maker that brews each cup individually, and you can choose what kind you want! I was very excited.
I am really liking my coworkers, they all like yoga! In fact, they like yoga so much that they are thinking about getting a yoga teacher to come to the office! How exciting!
I didn't post yesterday, I had been getting a little post-happy lately, plus I was working and didn't get home until kind of late. Anyway, here is a great picture I found on the coveted blog. If you don't read this blog, you should!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
metro, metro!!!!
After not sleeping well, I woke up and was wide awake. Sputnik came to say hello. The walk to metro was pretty icy, but I tricked the ice and I walked in the road. (I miss salt, sorry Ben). Then as I was descending the escalator, the metro was coming. This is a great feeling because not only do you not have to wait for metro, but you don't have to rush either. Then, the same thing happened at L'Enfant Plaza. My orange line conductor was great! He told us that if we see someone leave a bag behind to ask, "Is that your bag?". He then went on to tell us that if they look shifty, start sweating, and make a sprint for it, to inform a metro employee that something is amiss with the bag.
Lately, I have been riding the bus to work from the metro station. I am really tired of the walk and the cars that honk. I mean, come on, it is not even 8 a.m. Anyway, my bus driver is the best. Every morning he makes me smile, he is so nice.
I got to work and was informed by a friend that the government was on delayed start, or whatever that is called. This means, I didn't even have to be here yet! I informed my boss and we decided that we should get breakfast.
Also, last day! I am so excited to start new job tomorrow.
I almost forgot to mention the new blue line changes that have been proposed. I think it would be great. I know as a person that has to ride the green line in the afternoon that sometimes you just want to get home and you get to L'Enfant Plaza and you have to wait because all that is offered is yellow to Mt. Vernon Square. I would also be happy if they just extended the yellow line service, but I think it is worth a shot to try out the blue. It will be confusing for tourists, but us daily riders will benefit.