So, there I was weeding my front yard, and low and behold carrots!

It is kind of hard to see them in that photo, but they were there. I was trying to get these weeds out and they were really difficult. I started digging, and carrots! Very exciting. Since I have heard that we have high lead levels in the soil, I will not eat these, however, I will use in my compost! It is also nice to know that things will grow in my soil.
So, as I was working in the yard, I had the front door open since it was sooooo nice out today. Little Sputnik was trying to break-out!

This is a picture of Nathan at the Jefferson Memorial from the bike ride last week. It was so nice, we were one of the few people there. It was beautiful.

Here is Nathan earlier in the day, being silly (and wearing a helmet).

Okay, I promise to not make a million pictures of my boyfriend in every post, but remember how I said that sometimes he takes off his shirt to do manly things...

*I also made him promise to get a hair cut.
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