Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Rules of Sickness

When I was growing up my parents made sure that staying home sick was not a fun time. I think this is a good idea because it makes you more likely to go to school, especially on a Friday. I have been thinking about this because one of my friends is sick and I have been telling him all the things he is not allowed to do. Here are the rules:

1. No Fun
2. No Phone (the internet and computer in general was not really a draw in the mid-90's)
3. No Friends
4. No going out
5. No solid foods (but ice cream was allowed, and one of the few times I was allowed to eat it)

As much as I hated this when I was a kid, it was a great idea of my parents to impose these rules on me. I mean, let's be honest, I never would have gone to school if it was fun to stay home. I will probably do the same thing if I ever have the childrens.

On another note, Stacey called Nathan a sensitive Nancy this last weekend. It really made my day. He is always saying that he is a delicate flower so that I won't mess with him. Well, now.

I am going to go shopping this weekend!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

meghan, i like your rules. although i did not have them. maybe that is why i missed 2+ weeks of school a year! my mom was too sweet. ben, on the other hand, always gave me a hard time (even when i was really sick). hello to warner, "segue" and your sensitive nancy