I just love American Apparel. I cannot go in this store and not want to buy everything. Seriously I could own everything that they sell and be completely happy with my wardrobe. I don't know what it is. Okay, I do. Everything is solid-colored and cotton and usually decently flattering (well, when I was a little thinner everything was flattering). I went there over the weekend and I purchased these:

I don't know what I am going to wear them with yet, but I am sure I will figure something out. I am pretty sure I will be at Mousetrap on Saturday, so I am sure I can wear them there. I know Nathan will love that, me in heels, he will have to carry me to the car yet again when I can no longer walk from all the dancing. I think I will buy the mustard colored ones as well. I have this great dress that could benefit from them.
I also realized that there are two Filene's Basements' near my new job, this could lead to bad things.
It is Ash Wednesday, a time to reflect and try and change our lives. A few weeks ago I had decided to quit drinking for a while. I don't have a problem or anything, I just want to try it out for a while. It shouldn't be too hard, but it will be good for my health and my wallet. I also decided that Nate and I will start drinking fancy non-alcoholic drinks out of my favorite new wine glasses. So far, sparkling lemonade!
Nice call on the fancy drinks. I love everything fancy.
dania, you are my fancy friend
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