This is it, this is the weekend that I will finally start a garden.
First, I am going to make a container compost pile, from the blog I read, it seem to be easy peasy. I know that the compost will not really be used for quite some time, there is no time like the present to get started!
Second, I am going to get lawn bags to put all the leaves in that I do not use in the compost bin.
Third, I am going to figure out what things I should plant. I really want to do blueberries, it will make the pies A LOT cheaper, but from what I read, I need acidic soil. I guess I need to figure out 1. how to test soil, and 2. how to make the soil acidic. I would also like to grow other berries. I have been told that the soil in our neighborhood has lead in it, this leaves out any root vegetables. Anything grown above ground should be A-OK for eating.
I may get some flower seeds and throw them in the front yard. I would like to brick this area in the next couple months, but no reason it has to look barren until then.
If anyone has ideas about what I should grow, please, please let me know. I also don't know what grows well in DC (in a shady backyard). At this point, I am willing to try anything and everything. Let's see what happens!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I Need to go to a Meeting
CA - Candy-aholics Anonymous.
I gave up candy yesterday, cold turkey. Well, okay, there was the piece that Byron gave me, but we already decided not to count that. I am still allowed desserts, but not candy. I had a double chocolate brownie guy last night and now I am eating chocolate mousse and strawberries. The chocolate mousse is made from candy, does that count?
I don't know if I can go the whole week. I feel like I can barely construct a sentence right now. I was craving it at 9 a.m. this morning, how bad is that!
I gave up candy yesterday, cold turkey. Well, okay, there was the piece that Byron gave me, but we already decided not to count that. I am still allowed desserts, but not candy. I had a double chocolate brownie guy last night and now I am eating chocolate mousse and strawberries. The chocolate mousse is made from candy, does that count?
I don't know if I can go the whole week. I feel like I can barely construct a sentence right now. I was craving it at 9 a.m. this morning, how bad is that!
Monday, February 25, 2008
It's a Hard-Knock Life, You Have Pinstripes on Your Suit
Today was a busy day at work, and I loved it!
I am going to try and give up candy for the week. I almost made it all day, and then Byron offered me a piece, I had to be was small, so I am not counting it.
I went with Nathan and his coworkers to Cafe Saint Ex, I really enjoy hanging out with them, they are very fun. I really hope to hear what happens with Byron and his Thai-Mormon-Sixteen-year-old-girlfriend.
More reasons to hate Giant: I went yesterday against my better judgement. I was sore from the nine mile bike ride and didn't feel like going all the way to Whole Foods. So there I was, ready to check out. I thought something had happened to my vision, a line where I would be number two! I proudly walked over and got into line. There was a girl in front of me, it looked as though she was finishing her transaction, ahhh, the hope. No, she was actually buying several American Express giftcards, presumably with stolen credit cards. I say this because the cards kept declining and she would try another, and another. Finally after ten or fifteen minutes, I went to a different line.
I am going to try and give up candy for the week. I almost made it all day, and then Byron offered me a piece, I had to be was small, so I am not counting it.
I went with Nathan and his coworkers to Cafe Saint Ex, I really enjoy hanging out with them, they are very fun. I really hope to hear what happens with Byron and his Thai-Mormon-Sixteen-year-old-girlfriend.
More reasons to hate Giant: I went yesterday against my better judgement. I was sore from the nine mile bike ride and didn't feel like going all the way to Whole Foods. So there I was, ready to check out. I thought something had happened to my vision, a line where I would be number two! I proudly walked over and got into line. There was a girl in front of me, it looked as though she was finishing her transaction, ahhh, the hope. No, she was actually buying several American Express giftcards, presumably with stolen credit cards. I say this because the cards kept declining and she would try another, and another. Finally after ten or fifteen minutes, I went to a different line.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Bicycle Enthusiast
Yesterday Nate and I went on a 9 mile bike ride, it was wonderful. (Yes Mom, I wore my helmet). I finally went to the Jefferson Memorial, I had never been. It is really beautiful, and I am glad we went. We went at sunset, I will post pictures later.
Kittens can be very strange, they climb up the couch instead of just jumping on it.
Kittens can be very strange, they climb up the couch instead of just jumping on it.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Loose as a Goose, Quack, Quack, Quack
I am so excited. I just had a phone call from my boss and they are canceling work today! I really like my new job and I am always excited to go in at this point, there is a lot to learn and I like everyone I work with. However, I have not had a snow day since I was in college, part I. AND that day I didn't have classes anyway and had a report that was due the next day that I had to work on. (That day was quite impressive though, state of emergency, snow above my knees overnight, Regis couldn't even get through the snow, my Dad had to plow a path). I even did a little snow day dance, luckily Nathan was in the shower and didn't have to see it!
Last night I had dinner with the Nancy boys. Sensitive Nancy and Negative Nancy. They picked on me the entire time. I think it made them feel manly to pick on a woman. I am not completely sure as Nate was still wearing his shirt. He often takes off his shirt to do 'manly' things.
The headline is something one of Ben's coworkers said yesterday. I think it should be said more often.
Last night I had dinner with the Nancy boys. Sensitive Nancy and Negative Nancy. They picked on me the entire time. I think it made them feel manly to pick on a woman. I am not completely sure as Nate was still wearing his shirt. He often takes off his shirt to do 'manly' things.
The headline is something one of Ben's coworkers said yesterday. I think it should be said more often.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Sun, then Rain, then Law and Order Marathon!!!
I went for a bike ride because it was so amazing out. Nathan made my bike scene, and by that I mean single speed.
So, I read a while back about gangs putting shoes on trees as a warning or something on Jimbo's blog. How do they get them way up there on the street lamps?
Someone really wants Obama to win...
This is what I look like when there is a Law and Order marathon on. I get excited! (I am always red like this, it isn't the excitement of Law and Order, although that could have something to do with it)
I am making two pies, this is me thinking about pie.
Wet Kittens, Dry Kittens, Snuggly Kittens!
Pictures! (finally)
For some reason my camera was not downloading to my computer, it is all solved now! I can finally post pictures of my great time at the wax museum (in November!) and of the kittens! Here are a few:
Who is that behind the Kennedy's?
Ben and his favorite president!
I love that Nathan looks like he is doing something wrong and Ben is totally owning it!
I don't think I have ever seen Nathan as excited as when he gave Marion Barry a bag of crack (rock candy).
(Next post will contain kittens)
(Next post will contain kittens)
Friday, February 15, 2008
First Day
I started my new job yesterday, so far, it is great! Since I was working in a small office, I was not used to the luxuries of a large office. Perhaps the things I am about to tell you are what is standard in most places, but...
Now only is the place beautiful, but everything in the bathroom is automatic, flushing toilets, soap dispension, and water. The paper products are very soft. Also, the soap did not dry out my skin (a miracle). We also have this coffee/tea maker that brews each cup individually, and you can choose what kind you want! I was very excited.
I am really liking my coworkers, they all like yoga! In fact, they like yoga so much that they are thinking about getting a yoga teacher to come to the office! How exciting!
I didn't post yesterday, I had been getting a little post-happy lately, plus I was working and didn't get home until kind of late. Anyway, here is a great picture I found on the coveted blog. If you don't read this blog, you should!
Now only is the place beautiful, but everything in the bathroom is automatic, flushing toilets, soap dispension, and water. The paper products are very soft. Also, the soap did not dry out my skin (a miracle). We also have this coffee/tea maker that brews each cup individually, and you can choose what kind you want! I was very excited.
I am really liking my coworkers, they all like yoga! In fact, they like yoga so much that they are thinking about getting a yoga teacher to come to the office! How exciting!
I didn't post yesterday, I had been getting a little post-happy lately, plus I was working and didn't get home until kind of late. Anyway, here is a great picture I found on the coveted blog. If you don't read this blog, you should!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
metro, metro!!!!
Thus far, it has been a wonderful Wednesday, I hope everyone is feeling this way. I know it is rainy and icy, but come on, it's February!
After not sleeping well, I woke up and was wide awake. Sputnik came to say hello. The walk to metro was pretty icy, but I tricked the ice and I walked in the road. (I miss salt, sorry Ben). Then as I was descending the escalator, the metro was coming. This is a great feeling because not only do you not have to wait for metro, but you don't have to rush either. Then, the same thing happened at L'Enfant Plaza. My orange line conductor was great! He told us that if we see someone leave a bag behind to ask, "Is that your bag?". He then went on to tell us that if they look shifty, start sweating, and make a sprint for it, to inform a metro employee that something is amiss with the bag.
Lately, I have been riding the bus to work from the metro station. I am really tired of the walk and the cars that honk. I mean, come on, it is not even 8 a.m. Anyway, my bus driver is the best. Every morning he makes me smile, he is so nice.
I got to work and was informed by a friend that the government was on delayed start, or whatever that is called. This means, I didn't even have to be here yet! I informed my boss and we decided that we should get breakfast.
Also, last day! I am so excited to start new job tomorrow.
I almost forgot to mention the new blue line changes that have been proposed. I think it would be great. I know as a person that has to ride the green line in the afternoon that sometimes you just want to get home and you get to L'Enfant Plaza and you have to wait because all that is offered is yellow to Mt. Vernon Square. I would also be happy if they just extended the yellow line service, but I think it is worth a shot to try out the blue. It will be confusing for tourists, but us daily riders will benefit.
After not sleeping well, I woke up and was wide awake. Sputnik came to say hello. The walk to metro was pretty icy, but I tricked the ice and I walked in the road. (I miss salt, sorry Ben). Then as I was descending the escalator, the metro was coming. This is a great feeling because not only do you not have to wait for metro, but you don't have to rush either. Then, the same thing happened at L'Enfant Plaza. My orange line conductor was great! He told us that if we see someone leave a bag behind to ask, "Is that your bag?". He then went on to tell us that if they look shifty, start sweating, and make a sprint for it, to inform a metro employee that something is amiss with the bag.
Lately, I have been riding the bus to work from the metro station. I am really tired of the walk and the cars that honk. I mean, come on, it is not even 8 a.m. Anyway, my bus driver is the best. Every morning he makes me smile, he is so nice.
I got to work and was informed by a friend that the government was on delayed start, or whatever that is called. This means, I didn't even have to be here yet! I informed my boss and we decided that we should get breakfast.
Also, last day! I am so excited to start new job tomorrow.
I almost forgot to mention the new blue line changes that have been proposed. I think it would be great. I know as a person that has to ride the green line in the afternoon that sometimes you just want to get home and you get to L'Enfant Plaza and you have to wait because all that is offered is yellow to Mt. Vernon Square. I would also be happy if they just extended the yellow line service, but I think it is worth a shot to try out the blue. It will be confusing for tourists, but us daily riders will benefit.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Dear Office Bug, You will not be missed.
This bug has lived in my office for as long as I have worked here. Sometimes it will be weeks and I will not see it, then suddenly it reappears. I am sure you are thinking that it must be a different bug, maybe it is. Either way, I don't care for it.
*sorry for the poor quality cell phone image
This is my desk. My Berenstein Bear got me through many rough days. He will be coming with me on my next journey.

I am having sushi for lunch, my last time at Koi Koi. I was once told that I was their best customer. Hopefully there is sushi near new work.

This is my desk. My Berenstein Bear got me through many rough days. He will be coming with me on my next journey.

I am having sushi for lunch, my last time at Koi Koi. I was once told that I was their best customer. Hopefully there is sushi near new work.
Monday, February 11, 2008
I had a dream
So after writing the blog yesterday about how much I miss Meijer, I went to bed. I had a dream that I blogged about missing Meijer, and I was embarrassed because there was one about 4 blocks from my house. I was so excited when I found it and I was plotting how I would be able to go all the time and how the bus went right by my house (yeah right) and in front of Meijer, so I could even buy heavy items! Then I woke up and had to go to work. I am in the final haul of the Virginia job. I am really looking forward to starting DC job on Thursday.
I tried to go to yoga, sadly the class was full :(
I did go to the new (or new to me anyway) chocolate store. Artfully Chocolate Kings bury Confections. If you know me in real life, then you know that I love candy, chocolate in particular. Now that I have been, I plan to spend many hours in this place. There is an eating area and you can have hot chocolate. Then you can buy the chocolates individually. I know where my paycheck is going! Anyway, the whole point of this was that I got Nate bacon chocolate. He said it was good, but he was playing a video game, so he may not be aware that he ate chocolate, that I am home, or that there was bacon in the chocolate.
So, who wants to get chocolates this weekend???
Perhaps I should turn this into a chocolate blog where all I do is rate chocolate. hmmm. Probably a bad idea because even gross Hershey chocolate is good in a pinch.
I tried to go to yoga, sadly the class was full :(
I did go to the new (or new to me anyway) chocolate store. Artfully Chocolate Kings bury Confections. If you know me in real life, then you know that I love candy, chocolate in particular. Now that I have been, I plan to spend many hours in this place. There is an eating area and you can have hot chocolate. Then you can buy the chocolates individually. I know where my paycheck is going! Anyway, the whole point of this was that I got Nate bacon chocolate. He said it was good, but he was playing a video game, so he may not be aware that he ate chocolate, that I am home, or that there was bacon in the chocolate.
So, who wants to get chocolates this weekend???
Perhaps I should turn this into a chocolate blog where all I do is rate chocolate. hmmm. Probably a bad idea because even gross Hershey chocolate is good in a pinch.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Ugh Giant, or Reasons I Miss the Midwest

In Michigan we have this store called Meijer. If you have never been, then there is no way that I can explain how incredibly wonderful it is. Really. You can get everything that you need, groceries (they try to get as much locally grown as possible), great produce, vegetarian products, clothing (not the best, but...), bedding, everything you need to cook with, furnish a house, do crafts, toys, flowers, small appliances, tires, guns, fishing rods, pets. It is a great place, so why am I reminiscing? First, it is cheap, as is everything in the Midwest. Second, I never had to wait in line like I do here, they have check outs beyond the eye can see, and lastly, you can almost always get everything you need. I desperately miss this, so much that I sometimes have dreams about them building one in the district. I cannot stand the Giant near me, they never have everything that I need, the produce is sub-par at best and the lines. I stood in line for 15 minutes today. Okay, enough complaining. I love DC, there are just some things that are better in the Midwest.
New Housing
Thursday, February 7, 2008
The Rules of Sickness
When I was growing up my parents made sure that staying home sick was not a fun time. I think this is a good idea because it makes you more likely to go to school, especially on a Friday. I have been thinking about this because one of my friends is sick and I have been telling him all the things he is not allowed to do. Here are the rules:
1. No Fun
2. No Phone (the internet and computer in general was not really a draw in the mid-90's)
3. No Friends
4. No going out
5. No solid foods (but ice cream was allowed, and one of the few times I was allowed to eat it)
As much as I hated this when I was a kid, it was a great idea of my parents to impose these rules on me. I mean, let's be honest, I never would have gone to school if it was fun to stay home. I will probably do the same thing if I ever have the childrens.
On another note, Stacey called Nathan a sensitive Nancy this last weekend. It really made my day. He is always saying that he is a delicate flower so that I won't mess with him. Well, now.
I am going to go shopping this weekend!
1. No Fun
2. No Phone (the internet and computer in general was not really a draw in the mid-90's)
3. No Friends
4. No going out
5. No solid foods (but ice cream was allowed, and one of the few times I was allowed to eat it)
As much as I hated this when I was a kid, it was a great idea of my parents to impose these rules on me. I mean, let's be honest, I never would have gone to school if it was fun to stay home. I will probably do the same thing if I ever have the childrens.
On another note, Stacey called Nathan a sensitive Nancy this last weekend. It really made my day. He is always saying that he is a delicate flower so that I won't mess with him. Well, now.
I am going to go shopping this weekend!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
I just love American Apparel. I cannot go in this store and not want to buy everything. Seriously I could own everything that they sell and be completely happy with my wardrobe. I don't know what it is. Okay, I do. Everything is solid-colored and cotton and usually decently flattering (well, when I was a little thinner everything was flattering). I went there over the weekend and I purchased these:
I don't know what I am going to wear them with yet, but I am sure I will figure something out. I am pretty sure I will be at Mousetrap on Saturday, so I am sure I can wear them there. I know Nathan will love that, me in heels, he will have to carry me to the car yet again when I can no longer walk from all the dancing. I think I will buy the mustard colored ones as well. I have this great dress that could benefit from them.
I also realized that there are two Filene's Basements' near my new job, this could lead to bad things.
It is Ash Wednesday, a time to reflect and try and change our lives. A few weeks ago I had decided to quit drinking for a while. I don't have a problem or anything, I just want to try it out for a while. It shouldn't be too hard, but it will be good for my health and my wallet. I also decided that Nate and I will start drinking fancy non-alcoholic drinks out of my favorite new wine glasses. So far, sparkling lemonade!

I also realized that there are two Filene's Basements' near my new job, this could lead to bad things.
It is Ash Wednesday, a time to reflect and try and change our lives. A few weeks ago I had decided to quit drinking for a while. I don't have a problem or anything, I just want to try it out for a while. It shouldn't be too hard, but it will be good for my health and my wallet. I also decided that Nate and I will start drinking fancy non-alcoholic drinks out of my favorite new wine glasses. So far, sparkling lemonade!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Four Pie Weekend!
I hope that everyone was able to enjoy the weather this weekend. Knowing that the weird people from DC probably still think this is cold weather, I will tell you how much I enjoyed it! Saturday once I realized that it was hot out, I decided to put on a tshirt and skirt and sit on my front porch. I drank several mugs of tea and chatted with neighbors. I loved this so much. My neighbor was working on his front 'yard'. Nate borrowed the rake and got rid of some of our leaves. We really need to trim the bush/tree in the front, but it will take more than some simple hand clippers at this point. I also realized that I keep waiting for winter, it seems like it hasn't happened yet, was this it? A couple days where it got below 30? I am not saying that I want really cold weather, it is just strange to me. I have not once had snow inside my shoe this year, I have not had frozen boogers, I have not had to defrost myself in a hot shower. If this is winter, then I love winter.
I took a long weekend from work, knowing that my time would be up there soon, I had to use all the sick time I had left. I made four pies this weekend! There isn't much more you can ask for than having pie for breakfast.
Our kittens are wonderful. Warner woke Nathan up by biting him in the butt on Saturday night, this pleased me very much! Sputnik has this adorable habit of putting all her toys in the food bowl during the night. Monday morning her Frankie (miniature of my Frankie), one of Nathan's socks and half of my slipper were in the food bowl.
This weekend I made my first trip ever to Soul Veg, I don't know how I have lived here for 9 months and never gone! First of all, I am vegetarian; second, it is a mile from my house, what is wrong with me?!?!?! Needless to say, I liked it and I will be going back.
My bike should be up and running within the week! I still need a white seat and probably a helmut.
I lost one shoe. How does this happen?
I took a long weekend from work, knowing that my time would be up there soon, I had to use all the sick time I had left. I made four pies this weekend! There isn't much more you can ask for than having pie for breakfast.
Our kittens are wonderful. Warner woke Nathan up by biting him in the butt on Saturday night, this pleased me very much! Sputnik has this adorable habit of putting all her toys in the food bowl during the night. Monday morning her Frankie (miniature of my Frankie), one of Nathan's socks and half of my slipper were in the food bowl.
This weekend I made my first trip ever to Soul Veg, I don't know how I have lived here for 9 months and never gone! First of all, I am vegetarian; second, it is a mile from my house, what is wrong with me?!?!?! Needless to say, I liked it and I will be going back.
My bike should be up and running within the week! I still need a white seat and probably a helmut.
I lost one shoe. How does this happen?
Saturday, February 2, 2008
A few things
Little Buddy Cheese Bread is only OK. It does include jalapenos, and I love those guys.
I made the best pie ever yesterday. Blueberry with white chocolate.
Stacey says that Nathan and I remind her of the grandparents in Willy Wonka.
I made the best pie ever yesterday. Blueberry with white chocolate.
Stacey says that Nathan and I remind her of the grandparents in Willy Wonka.
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