Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Coming of Little Buddy Cheese Bread

I got a new job! I will be working in the city for a nonprofit healthcare organization. I have been really wanting a job in the city since I moved here, but have been working in Falls Church. The metro ride made me sad every single day. I am very excited that I will be riding my bike to work, it should be wonderful, plus the new job is of course what every new job is: perfect, wonderful, amazing, best job ever, and I am going to love it. Actually, I am very excited about it. I truly believe that their purpose is fantastic and I think it will be great to be apart of their organization. It is only a year old, so I will really be growing with them.

Why is it that everyday I drink tea so fast that I am sweating?

I also just realized there is chocolate on my desk.

I have friends coming into town this weekend, which means that I am making pie on my day off tomorrow. Blueberry was requested. I normally try to pair some sort of cheese in the crust, however, I had a great idea this morning. Perhaps it is because chocolate has been on my mind this week, or that I love chocolate all the time, or they keep writing articles about it in the Express, but I am thinking of putting white chocolate in the crust or on the crust, we will see.

Last night Nate and I went to look at a house at the end of the block, I really wish we could move there. It is three stories, has an amazing kitchen, granite counter tops, a dishwasher (!!!), an island, a fireplace, hardwood floors throughout... I really don't want to move again, and our rent is so cheap.

1 comment:

diana may said...

ooo that house is so pretty! the kitchen is really big! think of all the pies you could make there :) AND.. you could drink tea, slowly, by the fireplace and maybe still bust a sweat.

wish i were going to be in town for you blueberry masterpiece.